Serhii Zarva



About me

For several years I have been developing and supporting web applications. I have experience in developing web, mobile and server applications.

Here's a list of the technologies I work with every day:

  • javascript
  • php
  • html
  • sql
  • docker
  • golang


  • Resume
  • Projects
  • Callback


ePhilos AG

Software developer

08/2017 - Present

I'm in charge of E-Procurement solution development. The basic directions of work: development of the user interface, development of a server part of the application, designing and work with a database.


Support Engineer

07/2013 - 02/2017

I worked in the bank's IT support department. My duties included: setting up computers, computer networks and network devices, setting up and maintaining ATMs.


IT specialist - application development

European School School Centre SII Utbremen

08/2017 - present

Specialist in computer Systems and networks

National Technical University of Winnytca

10/2012 - 04/2014

Master in radio technology

National Technical University of Winnytca

09/2012 - 11/2013

Bachelor in radio technology

National Technical University of Winnytca

09/2008 - 07/2012


My first Wordpress project. This project is made to familiarize myself with the concepts of the vordpresse. In this blog, I tried to translate small articles into Russian. Unfortunately, the current project no longer exists. The following technologies were applied:

  • Wordpress
  • Docker


book.themarkz_screenshot This project was made for bookmark management, as the third party product that I used before started to displease me. The following technologies were applied:

  • ReactJS
  • MaterialUI
  • MongoDB
  • Nodejs
  • Gin-Gonic
  • Docker

zarva.me_screenshot Actually this web site which has been made as a business card, and also for acquaintance with principles of work of static generators of web sites. The following technologies were applied:

  • Hugo
  • CSS-Grid
  • Webpack
  • Docker

If you have any questions, you can leave your contacts and the question below. I'll be sure to contact you.

ps: If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement of this site, the source code is on the Github.
